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Fundamental Commands You Can Teach Your Dog & How to Use Pizzle Sticks to Reward Him


While teaching your dog specific commands can improve behavior and give you more control, it can also be a fun exercise where you can bond with your best friend. It’s also a great way to avoid unwanted behavior and ensure you can curb bad behavior in the future.

In this post we discuss five fundamental commands you should start teaching your dog today.

1. Teach Your Dog to Stay


For you to teach your dog to ‘stay’, you’ll need to teach him how to ‘sit’ first.

  1. After you have commanded your pooch to ‘sit’, raise your hand, palm facing outwardly in front of you and say ‘stay’.
  2. Take a couple of steps backwards. If he stays, give him a treat as reward.
  3. Continue the exercise, taking a couple of more steps backwards every time.
  4. Remember always to reward him with pizzle sticks if he stayed. These all-natural, durable chew treats are wonderful treats for your obedient pooch!

It might take some time and patience, but it is well worth the effort. This will teach your pup self-control.

2. Teach Your Dog to Sit


Teaching commands usually kicks off with teaching your dog to sit.

  1. Get a treat and hold it to your dog’s nose so that he can smell it.
  2. Bring your hand upwards, he will follow the treat with his head and might even go into a sitting position.
  3. If he is in the sitting position, say ‘sit’ and give him his reward. Add some cuddles and a praise for extra positive reinforcement.

You should do this a couple of times daily until he gets it. Then, you can include the command in everyday activities like before meals or when you need his full attention.

3. Teach Your Dog to Leave It


A lot of times our dogs eat things we’d rather not have them eat. Sometimes these can be things like bones that might be harmful to them. Here’s how to get him to ‘leave it’.

  1. Hold a treat in both your hands, making your hands fists.
  2. Holding one enclosed fist to him, tell him to ‘leave it’.
  3. He’ll lick your fist, bark and try to get it. Simply ignore all these behaviors.
  4. If he stops trying to get you to give it to him, reward him with the treat in the other hand.
  5. Continue the exercise until he moves away from the fist you tell him to ‘leave’.
  6. Once he moves away when you say ‘leave it’, reward him.

This can be a long process, so be patient. You can also try to teach him not to snatch treats altogether if you continue practicing. A well-mannered dog is one that’s also able to control himself from being impulsive.

4. Teach Your Dog to Come


This is an excellent command if you want to get your dog’s attention and respond to you calling him.

  1. Get your pooch’s leash and collar and put it on.
  2. Bend down on your knees and say ‘come’ while slightly pulling him towards you.
  3. Once he is with you, give him a treat.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible, always giving him a bit more leeway. As soon as he responds to your command by himself, you can practice it without a leash and collar.

5. Teach Your Dog to Fetch


Who doesn’t love Cesar Milan, right? Well, he’s got a couple of neat tricks on how you can teach your dog how to fetch. Read his technique on teaching your dog how to fetch here.

Remember, teaching our dogs commands and training them is important not only for them but us and our relationship with them too. Training is a fantastic way to bond with your furball. Let us know how you did when you tried any of the techniques mentioned here.

The Top 7 Training Tips You Cannot Live Without Before Getting a New Dog


So, you’ve found a pup that’s coming home one of these days. Whether it’s one you are adopting from a shelter or bought from a breeder, there needs to be some structure and decisions made beforehand. This will ensure that when the time comes, your pup is ready for training already.

In this post we share some handy training tips that you can do at home once your pooch arrives, making everyone’s lives a little easier.

1. Decide on Specific Rules

Before your new pup comes home, you need to decide on how you will raise him. Think about things like where he would be allowed. Will he sleep in his bed, or share the bed with you? Knowing little things beforehand will make the transition easier for both of you. It is also great for establishing what is acceptable and what is not.

2. Make His Arrival Comfortable

You should already have a couple of toys, food, a bed, collar, and leash. But, when your new pup comes home, you should also make sure that he is comfortable as much as possible. Remember, this is a scary new place for him far away from his mom and his brothers and sisters. Consider providing a warm water bottle and a comfy blanket.

3. Teach Him His Name

As soon as you have decided on the perfect name for your pooch, you need to teach him what it is. He should know when you want him to come to you. Call his name a couple of times and when he reacts and comes to you, praise him for it. Phrases like “well done” or “good boy” as well as positive reinforcement is great for this.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

Always reward your pup for good behavior. This training technique is known as positive reinforcement and is used by loads of people. Remember to reward him promptly – your pup’s attention span is not very long and will soon have forgotten what he did right if you don’t reward him immediately. Having treats handy will make this technique even more effective.

5. Don’t Let Him Jump Up

This is always a tough one as most pups want to jump up when they greet people. In general, this is considered to be bad behavior and you shouldn’t encourage your dog by giving him a scratch when he does so. When he jumps up, ignore him or turn your back on him.

6. Consider Signing up For Training

Training school is always a great idea. Not only will this provide you with the tools you need to train your pup successfully, but he will be surrounded by other pooches too. This is the best opportunity for you two to bond and for him to make friends and learn very important socializing skills.

7. Don’t Let Him Bite or Nip

If you are getting a puppy, you’ll soon realize when he is teething. He’ll start biting and nipping incessantly and you might even be a target too. By providing safe chew treats such as bully sticks for dogs, he’ll have something he can take his frustration out on. You can also act as if the bite has been very sore and pretend to cry.

These tips are perfect to get you started in training your new pup and welcoming him into your home. Remember to reward good behavior and you should be fine. Pups also love attention, love, and cuddles, so be sure to provide plenty of that too!

Top Tips For Training Dogs

From Visually.

The Top 5 Dog Training Schools in New York This Year


Are you in Manhattan and looking for the best in training schools for your pup? Then you are in luck. As passionate dog trainers, we love sharing the love and have found our favorite trainers in the area. All of them come highly recommended.

#1: Instinct Dog Behavior & Training

This training schools specializes in behavior modification and is certified and recommended by local veterinarians. From basic training to training to deal with aggression or anxiety, Instinct Dog Behavior & Training covers just about everything.

They also offer a unique puppy training program which includes follow-ups and you’ll also get a lifetime free Canine Good Citizen group class. They focus on relationship-based techniques to make a positive impact.

#2: Lauren’s Leash


Founder of Lauren’s Leash, Lauren Novack’s slogan is ‘dogs are people too’, which is a clear indication of her approach to training. Using scientifically proven relationship-based techniques, Lauren will provide tailored training for you and your pup.

With a master’s degree in applied animal behavior analysis, Lauren has what it takes when it comes to providing expert classes to dogs and their owners. She has a hands-on approach and will ensure you and your pooch can enjoy the benefits of living in harmony.

#3: School For The Dogs


This highly acclaimed training school takes a creative and modern approach to training techniques. They offer all types of training, including group classes where your pooch will learn crucial social skills. You’ll also be able to book private in-home training classes if you are in New York.

With a wide variety of classes available, they keep classes small to ensure every pooch gets the attention they need during training. Some nifty additions include training for dogs in ads, breed meetups and a private dog run.

#4: Shelby Semel Dog Training


Known for exceptional training services, the Shelby Semel Dog Training center focus on reward-based or positive reinforcement training techniques. They are situated in Manhattan and training focuses on equipping owners with techniques on how to effectively communicate with their best friends.

You’ll be able to attend group or private lessons, all covering a wide range of training including basic obedience. The Shelby Semel Training center is known for providing excellent support during and after training.

#5: Yuruani Olguin Dog Training

Yuruani has a great track record and some of her clients even call her the dog whisperer. As a certified dog trainer and student of canine psychology, Yuruani offers her services to those living in Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Whether you need her to do in-house training or would like to enroll your pup for one of her training classes, she’d be able to assist. She applies a positive training technique that focuses on voice and body language.

And that’s a wrap! We hope you get the dog trainer that suits you and your pets’ needs best. Remember, every dog has his unique personality and will react to specific training techniques in his way. Getting the one that works best will offer the most favorable results. Have fun!

5 Amazing Benefits of Training Your Dog


While training your dog used to be an option, it is seen nowadays as a basic need for dogs. Not only will it provide them with structure and let them know who is in command at home, but it will also ensure you have a tightknit bond with your best friend.

If you think being able to command your dogs to do some tricks is the only advantage of training, think again. In this post we talk about all the amazing benefits you can expect when training your pooch.

#1: Share an Activity

Stimulation is very important if you own a dog. While training provides some structure, it also allows your dog to be active and learn. This goes for both owner and dog; while you can train your dog indoors you can also take him to a field where both of you can share an activity and bond while doing so.

#2: You are the Leader

You don’t want to take your dog for walkies only to find that he doesn’t listen to your commands. If you train your dog properly, he’ll learn what is considered to be good or desired behavior, and what isn’t. You won’t have to worry about strangers being attacked as your dog will oblige when you command him to ‘sit’ or ‘stay’.

#3: You Learn Too

There is a common misconception that dogs are the only ones who learn and benefit from training. When you train your dog, you will learn how to communicate with him effectively as well. You’ll pick up on his likes, dislikes and learn how to read his body language.

#4: Your Dog Learns How to Socialize

Look, no one wants to take their dog for a walk worrying how he is going to react around other dogs and people. Training him will teach him very important social skills and how to behave in situations with other dogs and humans.

#5: You Won’t Struggle with Behavioral Problems

Okay, this one is a bit obvious. Training your dog will allow you to teach him what you want him to do and what you don’t want him to do. You can control his behavioral patterns and shape it to your liking. If you don’t want your dog to jump on the couch or eat it for that matter, training will provide the most efficient way to teach your dog these things.

Having a best friend by your side is fun. But it is also a lot of responsibility. As dog owners, we have to take responsibility for our pooches and ensure they get the love and attention they need. Training them provides a space where you bond, and he gets to learn how to be a well-behaved pup.

6 Effective Dog Training Methods You Can Try at Home


Making sure your best friend is a well-behaved pup takes time and effort. While some people take their dogs to training schools, not everyone can afford the luxury. There are many ways you can train your pooch from home, without getting a professional trainer in.

Over the years multiple training techniques have been developed, all proven to improve classic behavioral problems. In this post we’ll take a look at some of these methods.

1. Positive Reinforcement

As the name states, you’ll reward your pooch for good behavior while ignoring bad behavior. Good behavior is rewarded with treats, while bad behavior is either ignored, or a treat or toy is taken away. This method should be done immediately after the desired response is displayed.

2. Training with a Clicker

Often combined with positive reinforcement, clicker training is based on operant conditioning. In this method, a clicker or dog whistle is used when the dog has behaved the way the owner or trainer wanted it to. This can be used to add verbal commands and ultimately shape desired behavior.

3. Relationship-Based Training

This technique combines multiple methods and focuses on both the pet and the parent or trainer. Here, an individualized approach is taken to ensure the relationship between the two is solid and that both parties’ benefit. It focuses on communication and bonding.

4. Electronic Training

Electronic training requires the use of an electronic collar that shocks whenever the dog shows unwanted behavioral patterns. It does not rely on positive reinforcement and can cause stress to the dog. This technique is best for serious trainers, but should still be avoided as it can lead to anxiety problems in the dog.

5. Mirror Training

In this training method, your dog will learn from example. It can be used to act as a rival where the dog competes to get a specific reward for doing a task or behaving appropriately. Simply put, the dog learns from observing another dog or person being praised or scolded for good or bad behavior. Here’s a video that shows what mirror training entails.

While it is best to have a professional trainer’s assistance and input, you can try some of these methods at home. Remember, a healthy and happy home relies on a happy environment where both dog and owner feel that they are loved and appreciated.

Training your dog takes time, effort and patience but is worth it at the end of the day. Keep in mind that not every type of training method is going to work for you and your pooch, and you’ll have to select one that works well for both of you.

Interesting Dog Training Statistics

From Visually.

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